Mountain Gazette related links: in no particular order
Mountain Mountain Gazette: A flat-out magazine legend that has run stories by some of the most luminarious writers in the West, such as Edward Abbey, Hunter S. Thompson, Charles Bowden, John Nichols, Katie Lee, Mary Sojourner, Ellen Meloy, William Eastlake, John Jerome, Royal Robbins, Galen Rowell,George Sibley, Dick Dorworth and Brad Frank.
Morris Code: Morse code is a method of transmitting textual information as a series of on-off tones, lights, or clicks that can be directly understood by a skilled listener or observer without special equipment.
George Sibley: The most prolific writer in the history of the Mountain Gazette, Sibley melds words-of-wisdom with humor better than any Colorado writer who has ever drawn breath. The author of “Dragons in Paradise: On the Edge Between Civilization and Sanity” and “Part of a Winter: A Memory More Like a Dream.”
Brad Frank: One of the most original thinkers penning works in the West today. Author of “Livin’ the Dream: Testing the Ragged Edge of Machismo” and a contributor to both “When in Doubt, Go Higher: The Mountain Gazette Anthology” and “Comeback Wolves
Mary Sojourner: Author of many cutting-edge books, including “She Bets Her Life: A True Story of Gambling Addiction” and “Going Through Ghosts,” Sojourner’s lyricial work is often as much poem as prose.
Devon O’Neil: Devon O’Neil is one of the up-and-coming outdoor recreation writers in the country.
Katie Lee: Katie Lee is the grande dame of Western rivers and river issues, and boasts a wit as acerbic as any writer in this part of the world. She is also a world-renowned musician and author.
Mark Fox: Mark Fox is the best community photographer who has ever drawn breath. An inveterate Vikings fan, Fox is also known to hold his own with Fayhee in various watering holes. Mark has taken a LOT of pictures of John.
More links: some favorite businesses–non bar
Maria’s Bookstore: If every town had a bookstore as wonderful as Maria’s, I have no doubt this would be a better world. As much an intellectual gathering place as a purveyor of the printed word.
Back of Beyond Bookstore: This is the kind of place bibliophiles call heaven, a bookstore that prompts visitors to while away hours browsing through the almost unbelievable array of new and used books. The Edward Abbey selection alone is worth the trip to Moab.
Sawatch Backcountry: The highest gear store in the U.S., offering everything the self-propelled outdoor enthusiast needs to visit its namesake mountain range — which is clearly visible from the front door — but also that which is much more important than gear: local knowledge and insight. Owned and operated by my pal, Heather Glyde.
Spruce Tree: A wonderful venue for sipping caffeinated beverages while shooting the breeze or reading. Owned by long-time Mountain Gazette Tribe member Charlie Campbell.
Rumors Coffee & Tea House: Splice together a great bookstore (which sells signed copies of George Sibley’s books) with a gourmet coffee and teahouse in the middle of one of the most beautiful towns in the Rockies, and you’ve got a recipe for a wonderful experience.
Ravens Eye Press: My friend Ken Wright, author of, among others, “Why I’m Against It All: Rants and Reflections” and “The Monkey Wrench Dad: Dispatches from the Backyard Frontline,” has come up with a new kind of book-publishing company, one that puts authors ahead of corporate greed.
More: some favorite businesses–bar
Dillon Dam Brewery: One of the best brewpubs in the entire Rocky Mountain region. Home to a wide array of tasty libations, including Dam Straight Lager, as well as a plethora of seasonal brews concocted by my buddy Corey Forster. It is an understatement to say that I’ve quaffed a few pints at the Dam.
New Belgium: I would drink New Belgium’s offerings even if I didn’t like them, as this is truly one of the holiest companies in the country. It’s no bullshit when they say, “Wind Powered, Employee Owned.” Capitalism wouldn’t have such a bad name if every company were run this way. And, oh yeah, I love their offerings, especially Fat Tire.
More: community and do-gooders
Friends of the Eagles Nest Wilderness: The Friends of the Eagles Nest Wilderness is a non-profit group organized more than a decade ago to help protect one of Colorado’s most astounding pieces of public land. Fayhee was one of the original founders.
Gila Wildlife Rescue: For a quarter-century, Gila Wildlife Rescue has been caring for injured and orphaned animals and birds until they’re ready to go back where they belong—the wild.